Allentown Public Transportation Maps
List of public transportation stops of Allentown
11th at Hamilton
12th at Lehigh
13th at Highland
14th at Highland
15th at Elm NB
15th at Elm SB
15th at Fairview NB
15th at Fairview SB
15th at Hamilton NB
15th at Hamilton SB
15th at Linden
15th at Union NB
15th at Union SB
15th at Walnut NB
15th at Walnut SB
16th at Allen
17th at Allen NB
17th at Allen SB
17th at Chew
17th at Gordon - LVHN ER Entrance
17th at Liberty NB
17th at Liberty SB
17th at Linden - Bartholomew Building
17th at Linden NB
17th at Linden SB
17th at Turner NB
17th at Turner SB
19th at Allen NB
19th at Allen SB
19th at Fairmont NB
19th at Fairmont SB
19th at Greenleaf NB
19th at Greenleaf SB
19th at Highland NB
19th at Highland SB
19th at Liberty
19th at Livingston NB
19th at Livingston SB
19th at Pennsylvania NB
19th at Pennsylvania SB
19th at Tilghman NB
19th at Tilghman SB
19th at Washington NB
19th at Washington SB
22nd at Allen NB
22nd at Allen SB
22nd at Chew
22nd at Gordon NB
22nd at Gordon SB
22nd at Liberty NB
22nd at Liberty SB
22nd at Tilghman
24th at Elm NB
24th at Elm SB
24th at Fairview NB
24th at Fairview SB
24th at Mosser
24th at South NB
24th at South SB
24th at Texas
24th at Union
2nd at Turner NB
2nd at Turner SB
4th at Allen NB
4th at Allen SB
4th at Baker NB
4th at Baker SB
4th at Chapel NB
4th at Chapel SB
4th at Chew NB
4th at Chew SB
4th at Cooper
4th at Dixon
4th at Gordon NB
4th at Gordon SB
4th at Greenleaf
4th at Lexington NB
4th at Lexington SB
4th at Liberty NB
4th at Liberty SB
4th at Linden NB
4th at Linden SB
4th at Montgomery NB
4th at Montgomery SB
4th at Mountain NB
4th at Mountain SB
4th at Tilghman NB
4th at Tilghman SB
4th at Turner NB
4th at Turner SB
4th at Wabash
5th at Harrison
5th at Linden
5th at Wyoming NB
6th at Allen
6th at Chew
6th at Gordon
6th at Greenleaf
6th at Liberty
6th at St John
6th at Sumner
6th at Tilghman
6th at Walnut
6th at Washington
6th Ward EB
6th Ward WB
7th at Allen
7th at Gordon
7th at Greenleaf NB
7th at Greenleaf SB
7th at Liberty
7th at Walnut
7th at Washington
8th at Allen
8th at Chew
8th at Cumberland NB
8th at Cumberland SB
8th at Gordon
8th at Hamilton
8th at Jackson
8th at Juniata NB
8th at Juniata SB
8th at Lehigh
8th at Liberty
8th at Linden
8th at Pittston NB
8th at Pittston SB
8th at St John NB
8th at St John SB
8th at Susquehanna
8th at Tilghman
8th at Turner
8th at Walnut
8th at Wyoming NB
8th at Wyoming SB
9th at Allen
9th at Chew
9th at Court
9th at Gordon
9th at Liberty
9th at Tilghman
Allen at 10th EB
Allen at 10th WB
Allen at 11th EB
Allen at 11th WB
Allen at 12th EB
Allen at 12th WB
Allen at 13th EB
Allen at 13th WB
Allen at 14th EB
Allen at 14th WB
Allen at 15th EB
Allen at 15th WB
Allen at 16th
Allen at 6th
Allen at 7th
Allen at 8th EB
Allen at 8th WB
Allen at 9th EB
Allen at 9th WB
Allen Street EB & NB
Allen Street WB & SB
Allentown Amtrak Station
Allentown Garage
American at Linden
ATC - Allentown Transportation Center
ATC - Allentown Transportation Center
ATC - Platform A
ATC - Platform B
ATC - Platform C
Ballpark EB
Ballpark WB
Broadway at Cedar Crest WB
Cedar Point East Entrance
Cedar Point East Exit
Cedar Point East Hamilton Entrance
Cedar Point East Hamilton Exit
Chew at 10th
Chew at 11th
Chew at 12th
Chew at 13th
Chew at 14th
Chew at 15th
Chew at 16th
Chew at 17th EB
Chew at 17th WB
Chew at 18th EB
Chew at 18th WB
Chew at 19th EB
Chew at 19th WB
Chew at 20th EB
Chew at 20th WB
Chew at 22nd EB
Chew at 22nd WB
Chew at 7th
Chew at 8th
Chew at 9th
Chew at Circle EB
Chew at Circle WB
Cumberland at Carlisle
Cumberland at Dauphin
Cumberland at Ellsworth
Devonshire at Oxford
Dixon at 5th EB
Dixon at 5th WB
Dixon at 7th EB
Dixon at 7th WB
Dixon at Church EB
Dixon at Church WB
Dixon at Mack EB
Dixon at Mack WB
Emaus at 12th NB
Emaus at 12th SB
Emaus at 26th NB
Emaus at 26th SB
Emaus at 27th
Emaus at 28th NB
Emaus at 28th SB
Emaus at 29th NB
Emaus at 29th SB
Emaus at 30th NB
Emaus at 30th SB
Emaus at 4th NB
Emaus at 4th SB
Emaus at 8th NB
Emaus at 8th SB
Emaus at 9th NB
Emaus at 9th SB
Emaus at Church NB
Emaus at Church SB
Emaus at Howard NB
Emaus at Howard SB
Emaus at Law NB
Emaus at Law SB
Front at Allen NB
Front at Allen SB
Front at Gordon
Front at Liberty NB
Front at Liberty SB
Front at Susquehanna NB
Front at Susquehanna SB
Front at Tilghman NB
Front at Tilghman SB
Fullerton at Cherry
Fullerton at Jordan
Fullerton at Lincoln NB
Fullerton at Lincoln SB
Gilmore at Cumberland
Gordon at 2nd EB
Gordon at 2nd WB
Gordon at 3rd EB
Gordon at 3rd WB
Gordon at 4th
Gordon at 5th EB
Gordon at 5th WB
Gordon at 6th
Gordon at 7th
Gordon at 8th
Gordon at 9th
Gordon at Front EB
Gordon at Ridge EB
Gordon at Ridge WB
Greenleaf at 4th
Greenleaf at 5th EB
Greenleaf at 5th WB
Greenleaf at 6th
Greenleaf at 7th
Hamilton at 10th
Hamilton at 11th
Hamilton at 12th EB
Hamilton at 12th WB
Hamilton at 13th EB
Hamilton at 13th WB
Hamilton at 14th EB
Hamilton at 14th WB
Hamilton at 15th EB
Hamilton at 15th WB
Hamilton at 16th EB
Hamilton at 16th WB
Hamilton at 17th EB
Hamilton at 17th WB
Hamilton at 18th EB
Hamilton at 18th WB
Hamilton at 19th EB
Hamilton at 19th WB
Hamilton at 20th EB
Hamilton at 20th WB
Hamilton at 21st EB
Hamilton at 21st WB
Hamilton at 22nd EB
Hamilton at 22nd WB
Hamilton at 23rd EB
Hamilton at 23rd WB
Hamilton at 24th EB
Hamilton at 24th WB
Hamilton at 25th EB
Hamilton at 25th WB
Hamilton at 2nd EB
Hamilton at 2nd WB
Hamilton at 4th
Hamilton at 4th EB
Hamilton at 5th
Hamilton at Albert EB
Hamilton at Albert WB
Hamilton at American Parkway EB
Hamilton at American Parkway WB
Hamilton at Church
Hamilton at College EB
Hamilton at College WB
Hamilton at Fountain
Hamilton at Hall
Hamilton at Ott
Hamilton at Reading EB
Hamilton at Reading WB
Hanover at Carlisle EB
Hanover at Carlisle WB
Hanover at Fenwick EB
Hanover at Fenwick WB
Hanover at Graham EB
Hanover at Graham WB
Hanover at Irving EB
Hanover at Irving WB
Hanover at Jasper EB
Hanover at Jasper WB
Hanover at Kiowa EB
Hanover at Kiowa WB
Hanover at Linden NB
Hanover at Linden SB
Hanover at Maxwell EB
Hanover at Maxwell WB
Hanover at Plymouth EB
Hanover at Plymouth WB
Hanover at Quebec EB
Hanover at Quebec WB
Hanover at Sherman EB
Hanover at Sherman WB
Hanover at Tacoma EB
Hanover at Tacoma WB
Hanover at Ulster EB
Hanover at Ulster WB
Hanover at Wahneta EB
Hanover at Wahneta WB
Highland at 13th
Highland at 14th
Hillcrest at Oxford
Irving at American Parkway
Irving EB
Irving WB
Jackson at 8th
Jefferson at 12th NB
Jefferson at 12th SB
Jefferson at Cumberland NB
Jefferson at Cumberland SB
Jefferson at Lehigh NB
Jefferson at Lehigh Parkway NB
Jefferson at Lehigh Parkway SB
Jefferson at Lehigh SB
Jefferson at Wyoming NB
Jefferson at Wyoming SB
Jerome at Washington - Dieruff HS
Jordan Heights EB
Jordan Heights WB
Lehigh at 12th NB - Allentown
Lehigh at 12th SB - Allentown
Lehigh at 24th NB
Lehigh at 24th SB
Lehigh at 29th NB
Lehigh at 29th SB
Lehigh at 31st NB
Lehigh at 31st SB
Lehigh at 9th EB - Allentown
Lehigh at 9th WB - Allentown
Lehigh at Downyflake NB
Lehigh at Downyflake SB
Lehigh at Juniata NB
Lehigh at Juniata SB
Lehigh at MLK NB
Lehigh at MLK SB
Lehigh at Vultee NB
Lehigh at Vultee SB
Lehigh at Wyoming
Liberty at 16th EB
Liberty at 16th WB
Liberty at 17th EB
Liberty at 17th WB
Liberty at 18th EB
Liberty at 18th WB
Liberty at 19th
Linden at 10th
Linden at 11th
Linden at 12th
Linden at 13th
Linden at 14th
Linden at 4th
Linden at 5th
Linden at 8th
Linden at 9th
Linden at Race
Ott at Honochick NB
Ott at Honochick SB
Ott at Parkway NB
Ott at Parkway SB
Parkway at 28th EB
Parkway at 28th WB
Parkway at 29th EB
Parkway at 29th WB
Parkway at 30th EB
Parkway at 30th WB
Parkway at 31st EB
Pennsylvania at Tacoma
Plymouth EB
Plymouth WB
Roth at Sumner NB
Roth at Sumner SB
Susquehanna at 2nd EB
Susquehanna at 2nd WB
Susquehanna at Albert EB
Susquehanna at Albert WB
Susquehanna at Bradford EB
Susquehanna at Bradford WB
Susquehanna at Carlisle EB
Susquehanna at Carlisle WB
Susquehanna at Dauphin
Susquehanna at Ellsworth EB
Susquehanna at Ellsworth WB
Susquehanna at Filbert
Susquehanna at Front EB
Susquehanna at Front WB
Susquehanna at Gilmore EB
Susquehanna at Gilmore WB
Susquehanna at Halstead WB
Susquehanna at Race EB
Susquehanna at Race WB
Texas at 25th EB
Texas at 25th WB
Texas at Ott EB
Texas at Ott WB
Tilghman at 17th
Tilghman at 18th
Tilghman at 19th EB
Tilghman at 19th WB
Tilghman at 20th EB
Tilghman at 20th WB
Tilghman at 21st EB
Tilghman at 21st WB
Tilghman at 22nd EB
Tilghman at 22nd WB
Tilghman at 23rd EB
Tilghman at 23rd WB
Tilghman at 24th EB
Tilghman at 24th WB
Tilghman at 25th EB
Tilghman at 25th WB
Tilghman at 28th EB
Tilghman at 28th WB
Tilghman at 29th EB
Tilghman at 29th WB
Tilghman at 2nd
Tilghman at 30th EB
Tilghman at 30th WB
Tilghman at 40th EB
Tilghman at 40th WB
Tilghman at Cedar Crest EB
Tilghman at Front EB
Tilghman at Front WB
Tilghman at Jordan EB
Tilghman at Jordan WB
Tilghman at Ott EB
Tilghman at Ott WB
Tilghman at Ridge EB
Tilghman at Ridge WB
Tilghman at Springhouse EB
Tilghman at Springhouse WB
Tilghman at Trexler Park EB
Tilghman at Trexler Park WB
Turner at 10th
Turner at 11th
Turner at 12th
Turner at 13th
Turner at 14th
Turner at 15th
Turner at 16th
Turner at 17th
Turner at 18th
Turner at 19th
Turner at 20th
Turner at 22nd
Turner at 5th
Turner at 8th
Turner at 9th
Union at 15th - Allentown
Union at 16th EB
Union at 16th WB
Union at 17th EB
Union at 17th WB
Union at 18th EB
Union at 18th WB
Union at 21st
Union at 22nd EB
Union at 22nd WB
Union at 23rd EB
Union at 23rd WB
Union at 24th
Union at Club WB
Union at Ellsworth NB
Union at Ellsworth SB
Union at Fenwick EB
Union at Fenwick WB
Union at Godfrey EB
Union at Godfrey WB
Union at Home Run NB
Union at Home Run SB
Union at Ingram
Union at Irving
Union at Jerome EB
Union at Jerome WB
Union at Kiowa EB
Union at Kiowa WB
Union at Lafayette EB
Union at Lafayette WB
Union at Maxwell EB
Union at Maxwell WB
Union at Plymouth EB
Union at Plymouth WB
Union at Quebec EB
Union at Quebec WB
Union at Sherman EB
Union at Sherman WB
Union at St Elmo EB
Union at St Elmo WB
Union at Tacoma EB
Union at Tacoma WB
Union at Van Buren EB
Union at Van Buren WB
Walnut at 7th - Allentown
Washingotn at 10th WB
Washingtonat 10th EB
Washington at 11th EB
Washington at 11th WB
Washington at 12th EB
Washington at 12th WB
Washington at 7th
Washington at 9th EB
Washington at 9th WB
Wyoming at 10th EB
Wyoming at 10th WB
Wyoming at 11th EB
Wyoming at 11th WB
Wyoming at 12th EB
Wyoming at 12th WB
Wyoming at 5th