Home California Trinity Transit
Willow Creek Line Stops

Willow Creek Line Public Transportation Maps

List of public transportation stops of Willow Creek Line

Willow Creek @ Hwy 299 & 96
Panther Road
Early Bird
Salyer (in front of store)
Hawkins Bar (Hwy 299 across from trailer park)
Burnt Ranch Store (across Hwy)
Burnt Ranch Post Office (across Hwy)
Del Loma RV Park
Big Bar (across from Old Market)
Hwy 299 & Corral Bottom Rd (Bus Shelter)
TAP Store (Big Flat)
Pigeon Point
East Fork Rd (Helena)
Trinity Canyon Lodge
Big Foot Campground
Power House Road
Junction City Store
Weaverville Library
Mill Street (at CSD sign)
Hwy. 299 & Martin Rd.(near Burger King)