Route 4 Public Transportation Maps
List of public transportation stops of Route 4
Hutchins & Tamarack (SB)
Lodi & School (WB)
Lodi & Church (WB)
Ham & Deerfield
Wimbledon & Winchester
Scarborough & Wimbledon (NB)
Century & Scarborough
Hutchins & Century (NB)
Hutchins & Tamarack (NB)
Hutchins & Park (NB)
Vine & Hutchins by Legion Park
Ham & Tokay (NB)
Tokay & Crescent (EB)
Tokay & Hutchins (EB)
Tokay & Hutchins (WB)
Tokay & Crescent (WB)
Ham & Tokay (SB)
Vine & Crescent
Hutchins & Park (SB)
Hutchins & Century (SB)
Scarborough & Century
Scarborough & Wimbledon (SB)
Wimbledon by Beckman Walkway
Ham & Port Chelsea
Ham & Chianti
Kettleman & Ham by Chevron (WB)
Kettleman & Lakeshore (WB)
Kettleman & Sylvan (WB)
Kettleman & Lower Sacramento (WB)
Super Walmart
Kettleman & Sylvan (EB)
Kettleman & Mills
Kettleman & Lakeshore (EB)
Ham & Kettleman by Autozone (SB)
Ham & Burgundy
Ham & Century (SB)
Lodi Transit Station
Hutchins & Lodi by Java Stop
Vine & Fairmont by Lodi Memorial (EB)
Hutchins & Kettleman by Starbucks
Ham & Century (NB)
Kettleman Lane (Midway Transfer Point)
Hutchins & Mendocino
Vine & Fairmont by Lodi Memorial (WB)
Hutchins & Chestnut
Lodi & School by CVS (EB)
Lodi Transit Station